Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Costuming Updates!
Mustafar Padme - The buckle and broach are both done - well, sculpted anyway. I've bought the glaze and I have the enamel so that'll get sanded and painted this week. woot.
The bodice top is coming along... I've gotten the double stitching done on the seams and I've finished one of the arm holes. I'll work on lining the bodice front and the skirt and get that whipped together this week...
That means all I'd have left to do is make the collar and sleeves, embroider the left one, and make the belting for the buckle and broach. Should be done this week. I hope.
Battle Padme - I'm almost done with the jacket. I have to sew the two gores into the back and then add the ribbon. Then that's done. I need to make the ribbed shirt but if I can't get that done in time for D*Con then I'll just wear a red knit top underneath and work on the shirt for GMX
Those are the only two I'm trying to get finished for D*Con... I have a whole lot more I'm making. I plan on making at least 2 for GMX as well as helping two other people with costumes for the same con in October. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
My Review of “Katie“ leather wide calf boots by Step Up Comfort®
Originally submitted at OneStopPlus

Rich leather boots with skid-resistant rubber soles in great colors for the season. The best fit & price in wide calf boots.
- side zipper for easy on/off, elastic gores give with every step
- cool tricot lining, no-slip rubber sole w...
Love the boots! Great fit!
Sizing: Feels true to size
Width: Feels true to width
Pros: Stable, Comfortable, Stylish
Best Uses: Cold Weather, Work, Date Night, Travel, Casual Wear
Describe Yourself: Comfort-oriented
Was this a gift?: No
I love these boots! I bought them to use for a Star Wars costume for a convention. So far they're very comfortable and I'm so excited to find a pair of boots that actually fit in the calf! I want these in black to replace my other boots I use for another costume. I'm hoping the comfort will last all day since I'll have to wear them all day at Dragon*Con next month.
Mad Rush for Dragon*Con 2011!!!
- Battle Padme - Episode I
- Mustafar Padme - Episode III
- Kaywinnit Lee Frye - Firefly Episode 4 "Shindig" - Oh yes, the fluffy!
- Kaylee Frye - Firefly Episode 1 "Serenity"
- Rose Tyler - Doctor Who "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances"
- Dr. Jennifer Keller - Stargate Atlantis
- Richard "Ringo" Langly - The X-Files / The Lone Gunmen
Those are the definites...I can't decide if I want to do any more... but here are the maybes:
- Lisa Garland - Silent Hill
- Rose Tyler - Doctor Who "Bad Wolf"
- Star Trek TOS Skant